Dreaming of castles

Dreaming of castles

People dream of different things every night, most of us remember them and others our brain does not retain. Experts indicate that each dream has its meaning and reason for being, although its result will depend on the interpretation that each person gives it, for the moment that is happening and what feeling you have while you are dreaming.

Sometimes we dream of strange things, with figures, places, situations that we have never seen, known and perceived and we do not understand the reason. For example, dreaming of castles is not common, but its meaning on several occasions refers to the security, strength and power that we have, as well as, it can bring us prestige, riches, good opportunities and loneliness, although sometimes it represents fear and concern.

Dreaming that you live in a castle means that you are not comfortable with the life you lead and you want to live like a king or queen, that is, you want everything easy, without effort, with comfort, riches, luxuries, power and others. If you felt comfortable in the dream it is because you want it to be so, but if you felt strange it means that you want to achieve something better and strive to live as the king or queen you want to be.

While, dreaming that you live in someone else's castle is related to the fact that you are dissatisfied with the job you are in, the house you live in or the person you are with. You probably feel controlled or tired of the same situation, so it is advisable to start changing your life habits and you will begin to see positive changes that will allow you to be a better person and project yourself in a better way.

For its part, dreaming of an old castle means that the effort you are making to get your things will be worth it, since it is related to the fruits that you have harvested for a long time and that you have been taking care of so that they are born in a good way, so that you should not give up and keep fighting because the projects you want will soon be given.

Likewise, dreaming of a castle in ruins is related to the fact that we are frustrated because our plans and life projects have not emerged, that we are pending the achievements of others and not our own, so it is important to start organizing and building what we want for our life and in this way we will begin to see in the long term how things are going.


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